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Real solutions that can help your service


Capturing Experience and Outcomes via Mobile Phones

As we get older we tend to be greater users of healthcare and it is not surprising that while patients cover all ages, older users are more familiar with paper communication. But a growing proportion are computer and smartphone users and so measuring patient experience…

November 14, 2016


CQC – Link between staff satisfaction & patient experience

     David Behan, chief executive of the CQC,  has recently described the link between satisfied & engaged staff  and satisfied & engaged patients as an “invaluable opportunity”. “Trusts where the staff would not recommend the trust often correlates with requires improvement or inadequate CQC…

October 7, 2016


Get automatic ALERTS straight to relevant staff when patients report problems with services

Our sophisticated reporting service allows you to set up daily or weekly reports sent to nominated staff where there have been: A given number of low or high scores for certain questions or question themes A specific response made to a question Certain nominated keywords…

August 26, 2016


Struggling with FFT response rates in A&E and MIUs?

Busy A&E and Minor Injury departments understandably struggle to achieve good FFT response rates.  Its all too easy to rely on passive collection of responses to the FFT questions via electronic kiosks, tablets or comment boxes.  The result is that unless busy staff are encouraging…

May 23, 2017


CoMetrica Sponsors Patient Experience Network

CoMetrica is pleased to announce that they will be sponsoring a prize category at the National Patient Experience Network awards which are being held in Birmingham on the 21st March 2017. For more information about the awards click here

March 3, 2017


Patient FFT response rates falling nationally – taking action

As acute trusts come under increasing pressure in the past few months,  staff effort in helping maintain coverage and response rates for the NHS Friends and Family Test may have been diverted. The most recent figures from  NHS England show that in December, the response…

February 14, 2017


National PROMS Results – What does good look like?

NHS England recently published some results from the National PROMS programme for the period April 2015 to March 2016. The publication covers the four nationally collected PROMS- Hips. Knees, Varicose Veins & Hernias It is interesting that despite the complex case mix adjustment and statistical…

September 26, 2016


Use pictures to reach out to all patients whatever their communication challenges

Some users of your service may be very young or have communication barriers and pictorial questions can be useful to reach out to them.  Our systems allow you to use pictures in questions with the added benefit that these may prompt people to remember their…

July 30, 2016


Sussex MSK Partnerships Measure Patient Outcomes to support CQUIN

The Sussex MSK Partnership East and Sussex MSK Partnership Central have both recently started measuring patient experience and outcomes using the COM-Q service from CoMetrica. They are using the new MSK-HQ PROM as part of a trial across all their pathways, measuring at the point of referral and again 3 or 6 months after treatment dependent on the pathway.

August 12, 2016

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