Effortless Reporting

The right reports to the right staff at the right time

We want you and your colleagues to be able to focus on using your results, not running the measurement or running standard reports.  Our COM-Q service includes “Pushed” reports which can be configured with your own selected content and will then run every day, week, month, quarter or other dates of your choosing. The results are sent automatically by email to staff you have nominated so no-one has to remember to log into a system to get the latest information. You can use this to run your whole patient experience and outcomes reporting programme getting the right reports to the right staff at the right time automatically.ExampleChart2


Dynamic report content

Reports can be set to show the last weeks or months results or to show trends over the last year automatically so you don’t need to login and adjust dates, you and your staff can get the most up to date position sent to you and them every day week or month as you need.

Flexible formats

Our reports feature “one click” exports into Word, Excel, PDF and to print so you can quickly produce reports or do other sophisticated statistical analysis of your results if required.    You can also send staff “Live Links” for reports which when clicked will automatically run a live report direct to their screen showing the latest position without any training needed on their part.

Our systems can also automatically export detailed or summary results into your own corporate performance reporting systems on a regular basis.