Conferences and exhibitions in Patient Experience & Outcomes supported by CoMetrica

CoMetrica exhibits at many conferences and exhibitions in the UK. Here are a few of those we have supported.

Kings Fund to hold Patient Reported Outcome Measures research conference 18th Nov 2014


If you’re interested in the ways PROM data can be used to improve the quality of health care, The King’s Fund’s annual PROMs research conference on the 18th November will bring you up to date with the latest developments in this area. The event will focus on how we can get more value from the large amount of data that is collected. The conference will:
•Explore the expansion of PROMs to additional surgical procedures, to long-term conditions, to mental health care and to dementia care

•Bring together researchers already involved in PROMs and others interested in contributing to hear about current work and to consider the future research agenda

•Discuss opportunities for greater international collaboration.


PennaJudgePatient Experience Network Awards 2014

CoMetrica was pleased to have been selected again as a judge for the entries this year. The awards day is on the 11th March 2015 in Birmingham when all the work done by healthcare teams across the UK in improving patient experience can be celebrated. The entries for 2014 showed some ground breaking work to cut through barriers in improving the experience of patients in many areas including mental health.


 CoMetrica demonstrates Image based measures at HSJ Conference in London



Delegates saw the flexibility of the many types of measures including image and photographic prompts useful for children and other groups of harder to reach patients.


CoMetrica exhibits at Physiotherapy managers conference in London


The AGM and conference of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Management held recently at South bank University London.

During the day, the ACPM hosted an exhibition of CoMetrica’s service to measure outcomes and patient experience. Delegates saw the image based question options and sevral physiotherapists saw the potentil in reaching out to to children and those with learning disabilities.