Capturing Experience and Outcomes via Mobile Phones

As we get older we tend to be greater users of healthcare and it is not surprising that while patients cover all ages, older users are more familiar with paper communication. But a growing proportion are computer and smartphone users and so measuring patient experience and outcomes needs to use a variety of methods which are easy for young and old alike.

CoMetrica offers a comprehensive service which allows data collection on-line, on smartphones, by SMS text, by email and paper in both posted and generic “handed out” forms.  The challenge for data collection is only asking the relevant questions of each patient and making complex questions easy to see and answer in whatever form, on-line or paper.   CoMetrica has recently developed a new on-line completion interface which detects when  mobile devices are being used and optimises the layout to suit. This includes pictorial questions like this one and can include real pictures from your organisation.

Picture based questions optimised for mobile use
Picture based questions optimised for mobile use


NHS Friends & Family Test answered on a mobile
NHS Friends & Family Test answered on a mobile

Answering multiple choice questions like the NHS Friends and Family Test question is easy and different versions can automatically be used for children or for patients with learning disabilities.

Comments can be collected whether on paper which we transcribe for you, or on-line which is optimised for mobiles, tablets and personal computers and laptops.

The optimum route for collection can be automatically programmed so teens and younger adults can focus on on-line and any paper versions can be limited to some older patients to make collection more economic.  Whatever channel is used, the COM-Q service allows the same questions to be used and these can be changed at any time at no extra cost.

Making the collection data-driven means you dont have to ask the patient demographic questions which risks survey fatigue and so response rates are  optimised.  Some of our customers have achieved 70% response rates from patients going through their services!    That gives powerful accurate results both for measuring patient experience and outcomes.

Collecting variable value responses is much easier and more accurate when analogue scales can be used and patients like to be be able to adjust their response to exactly how they feel like the graphical scale example shown on a mobile phone below. CoMetrica advises on questions and can perform the calculations based on the responses to provide Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS)  so these can be automatically included at the right points in the patients pathway.

Measuring outcomes on a mobile via patient friendly graphics
Measuring outcomes on a mobile via patient friendly graphics

To find out how we can help you measure your patients’ experience and outcomes comprehensively and economically get in touch via our contact page here