Reaching out to patients to ask them about their experience and outcomes is a great opportunity to ask them if they would like to be more engaged with their local healthcare providers. Many of our clients use this to collect details of patients who would…
Some users of your service may be very young or have communication barriers and pictorial questions can be useful to reach out to them. Our systems allow you to use pictures in questions with the added benefit that these may prompt people to remember their…
The results of the 2017 NHS Staff survey published today show that more questions had a score which had declined than had improved in the last year. The health & wellbeing of staff was shown to have declined by about 2%. Job satisfaction declined but…
Having an integrated measurement programme isn’t just about “How was your experience” but can also be used proactively ask relevant patients about any service changes being considered and our service can be used to invite patients to focus groups and other engagement events. Some of…
Measuring patient and client experience at different stages in their pathway through your organisation is an important component of demonstrating the value of the investment made in your services. Traditional satisfaction surveys often provide superficial “middle of the road” scores and fail to challenge sufficiently…
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