FFT data submission is due to restart from December 2020 for acute and community providers (including mental health, learning disability and patient transport services). December’s data will be the first data to be submitted, from the start of January. NHS England say that it’s really important…
Our sophisticated reporting service allows you to set up daily or weekly reports sent to nominated staff where there have been: A given number of low or high scores for certain questions or question themes A specific response made to a question Certain nominated keywords…
Periodically we send out newsletters to interested parties on our mailing list. These newsletters highlight recent findings, trends and developments in patient outcomes & experience measurement. To be added to our mailing list, you can use the “Sign up to our Newsletter” link…
Proving the effectiveness of services is an important part of contract management for providers and commissioners alike. Using a continuous managed programme of outcome measures and objective experience measures can provide assurances and highlight alternative models where required. What do the results mean? As part…
Having an integrated measurement programme isn’t just about “How was your experience” but can also be used proactively ask relevant patients about any service changes being considered and our service can be used to invite patients to focus groups and other engagement events. Some of…
Measuring patient and client experience at different stages in their pathway through your organisation is an important component of demonstrating the value of the investment made in your services. Traditional satisfaction surveys often provide superficial “middle of the road” scores and fail to challenge sufficiently…
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