The NHS Staff Friends & Family test measurement will soon re-start and organisations must be wondering if the current pressures and media attention on the NHS and Covid will have an impact on their own results. Previously we have seen that the “Recommendation as a…
Keeping up the engagement of staff throughout the year while submitting the results of the NHS Staff FFT question to NHS England every quarter can be a real burden and response rates can fall despite best efforts. Our recommended approach is to make the…
David Behan, chief executive of the CQC, has recently described the link between satisfied & engaged staff and satisfied & engaged patients as an “invaluable opportunity”. “Trusts where the staff would not recommend the trust often correlates with requires improvement or inadequate CQC…
The average response rates for the NHS Staff Friends & Family Test have fallen to an average of just 12% nationally in the last results published by NHS England ( Q2 of 2016/17) Trusts which rely on passive on-line surveys find its a struggle to…
The results of the 2017 NHS Staff survey published today show that more questions had a score which had declined than had improved in the last year. The health & wellbeing of staff was shown to have declined by about 2%. Job satisfaction declined but…
The right reports to the right staff at the right time We want you and your colleagues to be able to focus on using your results, not running the measurement or running standard reports. Our COM-Q service includes “Pushed” reports which can be configured with…
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