Our Services

CoMetrica provides fully managed Patient, Client & Staff Experience and Clinical Outcomes Measurement services so you can focus on the results, not the measuring.

As part of our service, we provide ongoing help in choosing the right measures and interpreting them effectively. Our web generated electronic and paper questionnaire service is unique since the content is automatically matched to staff, patient and client needs in real time and can include pictures and diagrams.


Patient Experience Measurement

CoMetrica provides measurement advice and consultancy as an integral part of our services. We advise on the most appropriate measures for different services and types of patients & clients and we help you implement the measurement and interpret the results.

Our systems can provide continuous measurement with visible results in just a few days so you can target problem areas quickly.


Outcomes Measurement

We can advise on the best outcome measures for each patient group using your services and our dynamic survey creation systems select the right measures for each type of patient  at the relevant stage of their treatment.  Patient experience measures can be automatically added at the relevant stages.

Our team includes experts in the field of PROMS so that we can help you interpret and present the results.


Staff Engagement & FFT

We can manage your staff measurement programme for you, using different measured themes throughout the year and providing quick feedback and results by wards, departments, services and staff demographics. This can include the quarterly NHS Staff Friends & Family Test measurement and reporting.

Using our multi-mode programmed collection service,  we typically get response rates of over 25% of all staff every quarter. Measuring the live response rates of individual services allows us to manage the programme and makes the results powerful and representative.


NHS Friends & Family Test

We offer a range of options to suit budgets and needs. While you are collecting the NHS Friends and Family Test, it makes sense to use the opportunity to ask patients a few more questions about their experience. We do not charge you extra for asking additional questions. Our service is unique in allowing different questions for different patient groups and can include all your current and future survey needs. As a fully managed service, this is achieved with no staff effort creating a saving for many organisations.


Patient Engagement

Our integrated service allows you to reach out to to the patients and their carers using your services.  Our electronic questionnaires can include image based questions, free text commentary and a variety of other channels helping you listen to hard to reach and impaired communication groups.

You can use our service not just to ask patients “How was it” but also “What if” and get valuable feedback into your service planning.  This can extend to  inviting patients to focus groups and getting involved in other ways.


ALERTS and Dynamic Reporting

CoMetrica’s sophisticated reporting systems removes the burden of having to routinely monitor and send out results to relevant staff.  ALERT reports can be set up to highlight variances or specified keywords in patients comments which can automatically be emailed to the relevant staff.

Routine weekly and monthly results and patient comments  can be automatically pushed to nominated staff and even into other reporting systems if required.